We are specializing in DESIGN and BUILD of hurricane / typhoon net services
每年香港及其鄰近的熱帶和亞熱帶地區都受颱風不同程度的影響。 香港平均每年有六個熱帶氣旋進入500公里範圍,其中平均有兩個會有資格成為颱風。 在過去的十年裏,無數強烈颱風曾到訪香港,而其中三個成為十號颱風。 一般而言,十號颱風的持續風速是每小時118公里以上,陣風則有每小時220公里以上。
這些颱風破壞力驚人,在過去造成無數人命傷亡。 即便建築架構有所進步,傷亡及損失依然不跌且升。 在2017及2018年,颱風天鴿和山竹分別為香港帶來129和200傷亡,兩颱風中全球總共有158人死亡。 這些強烈颱風亦造成了巨大經濟損失。 颱風天鴿和山竹在香港分別造成了5億美元及9億美元損失,在全球則帶來約100億損失。 在颱風中,主要造成人命傷亡的原因及主要破壞就是摧毀建築,並吹走建築的碎片。 這些碎片可能會擊中人,同時也可能擊中其他建築,造成更大的損失。 最近的強烈颱風,如天鴿及山竹,已經為我們展示了破壞能力。 辨公室被破壞得如同地震一般,並不似颱風侵襲。 有錄影片段及圖片顯示了這些颱風有能力粉碎或吹掉大廈的玻璃窗及玻璃外牆。 隨着全球暖化不斷,相信未來的颱風會不斷增加,因為颱風的主要成因就是加熱。
Business Insider
Hong Kong Observatory.
Science Direct
South China Morning Post
The Standard
Straits Times
Typhoons affect Hong Kong and other tropical and subtropical regions every year, with varying damage. On average, 6 tropical cyclones enter the 500 km range of Hong Kong every year, and about 2 of them meet the conditions of typhoon. In the past 10 years, there were countless typhoons that came into contact with Hong Kong, where 3 of them were to become No.10 typhoons. A No.10 typhoon is a typhoon that has sustained winds over 118 km per hour, and gusts that may exceed 220 km per hour. These No.10 typhoons caused countless deaths and injuries in the past, and the numbers doesn’t seem to be going down even with improved infrastructure. In 2017 and 2018, Typhoon Hato and Typhoon Mangkhut brought 129 and 200 injuries to Hong Kong respectively, and a total of 158 deaths worldwide. These typhoons also caused huge economic loss, with Hato claiming more than 500 Million USD and Mangkhut claiming more than 900 million USD in Hong Kong. In total, these typhoons caused about 10.18 billion USD damage to South East Asia. The casualties and damage caused by these typhoons are usually from parts of buildings being blown off. The debris blown off from buildings might hit people, or causing more damage on other buildings. Recent typhoons such as Hato and Mangkhut have shown capabilities of destruction. Offices have been trashed as if an earthquake, rather than a typhoon has hit them. There have been recordings and photos showing the typhoons either shattering or blowing glass walls/windows off. With the issue of global warming being increasingly apparent and serious, it is believed that the appearances of typhoons will also become more frequent, due to the fact that typhoons are originated from intense heating in the tropical regions.
Business Insider
Hong Kong Observatory.
Science Direct
South China Morning Post
The Standard
Straits Times